Please answer the questions below as best you can to help expedite the process of getting started. Skip any that you are not sure about. We will talk about everything anyways.
Acquire new customers through the website.
Generally improve your image and brand.
Fix an existing reputation issue.
Emphasize what differentiates your business from others.
Drive traffic through search engine searches.
Drive more positive customer reviews on Google Maps and social media.
List very basic information about the products and services you offer.
List detailed and educational information about the products and services you offer.
Publish detailed how-tos and industry-specific knowledge articles.
Sell products or services directly on the website.
Have prospects/leads contact you electronically by filling out a form on the website.
Share testimonials/reviews by existing customers.
Offer periodic discounts and promotions.
Encourage customer referrals.
Showcase a portfolio of completed work/projects.
Display on your website automatically pictures you post on Instagram.
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